Company News and Bootcamp Blog

Are Coding Bootcamps Worth The Time and Money?

So, you want to know if you shouldering go into development as a career? Web and software development is in ever increasingly high demand, with salaries approaching six figures, and without needing a four-year Computer Science degree. Coding bootcamps like Coder Foundry claim to prepare students for their new careers in as little as twelve weeks, but how well do they do it?

Nearly a hundred coding boot camps have opened in the United States, ready to teach students nearly any programming language they'd like to get one of the many jobs in web and software development. Whether it's a young person looking to kick-start their careers, or someone a little older seeking to make a change, a bootcamp can offer education and career consulting, giving graduates the technical and soft skills necessary to land a job in this exciting and lucrative industry. In addition to lectures and classroom training, students are guided through projects that can serve as a portfolio to potential employers.

But don't take our word for it! Watch any or all of the videos below to hear from our graduates about how attending Coder Foundry set a new course for their careers. If you'd like to read more, you can visit our Stories page. If you'd like to learn more about our curriculum, click here.

Rasik, a March 2015 gradiate, tells about the teaching style at coder Foundry and how it helped him land a job quickly after graduation.

Winter 2015 graduate Charles tells us about how Coder Foundry helped him take his development skills to a level that made him marketable as a candidate to employers.

Summer 2014 graduate Chris tells us about the differences between attending Coder Foundry and learning on your own or at a university.

Qi, a June 2015 graduate, tells us about his experience at Coder Foundry and his hopes for his career.