What You Build During the Bootcamp Matters

When you enroll in a coding bootcamp like Coder Foundry, you're not just learning to code; you're building a portfolio that will shape your career. One of the standout projects you’ll develop is a full-stack, business-focused application, a bug tracker. This project is more than an academic exercise; it’s a demonstration of your ability to solve real-world business problems. Here's why the bug tracker you build during the bootcamp is crucial for your future career in software development.

The Real-World Relevance of a Bug Tracker

A bug tracker is an essential tool in software development. It helps teams identify, record, and manage bugs or defects in their applications. These tools are integral to maintaining the quality and reliability of software products. By building a bug tracker, you not only learn the technical skills necessary to create a full-stack application but also gain insight into the processes and workflows that professional development teams use every day.

Why focus on a bug tracker? It’s not about inventing something new or building a project solely for personal interest. It's about creating software that hiring managers recognize and understand deeply. They know the intricacies of a bug tracker and can easily distinguish between an effective one and a subpar one. By developing a bug tracker, you demonstrate your ability to build a tool that they are already familiar with and can evaluate accurately.

As described in "Breaking the Code," a good bug tracker does more than just log errors. It organizes the entire team around correcting these mistakes. It tracks defects reported by users, allows project managers to assign these issues to specific developers, and facilitates the QA (quality assurance) process to ensure bugs are fixed before new code is deployed​​. This project encapsulates all the critical aspects of software development, including security, communication, and database management.

Demonstrating Critical Skills

Building a bug tracker during the bootcamp covers several important skills that employers look for:

  1. Problem Solving: You address a real business problem—managing and resolving bugs in software. This demonstrates your ability to create solutions that improve business processes.

  2. Security: Implementing security measures ensures that only authorized users can make changes, protecting the integrity of the data and the application.

  3. Design Patterns: Using design patterns like MVC (Model-View-Controller) shows that you understand and can implement industry-standard practices.

  4. Database Management: Connecting your application to a database to store and retrieve data effectively demonstrates your backend skills.

Making Your Portfolio Stand Out

In a competitive job market, a strong portfolio can set you apart from other candidates. Employers look for practical experience and the ability to handle real-world tasks. Your bug tracker project is a testament to your hands-on experience with complex software development processes. It shows that you can build applications that are not only functional but also solve significant problems.

Former students of Coder Foundry, like Ryan, have seen firsthand how their projects can lead to job offers. Ryan's bug tracker impressed a development manager so much that he was hired on the spot, and the company decided to use his software. This kind of project provides tangible proof of your capabilities and can significantly enhance your job prospects.


What you build during your time at Coder Foundry matters. A project like a bug tracker is more than a line on your resume; it’s a comprehensive showcase of your skills and your ability to apply them in a business context. By focusing on creating full-stack, business-focused applications, you prepare yourself for the real-world challenges you'll face in your software development career. The experience and portfolio you gain from such projects can be the key to unlocking your dream job in tech.

Bootcamp vs. College Degree for Full Stack Development

Choosing the right path to becoming a full-stack developer is like deciding whether to take the express train or the scenic route on a cross-country trip. Both options can get you to your destination, but the journey, experience, and time commitment differ significantly. Let’s explore the pros and cons of each path.

The Express Train: Coding Bootcamp

Imagine boarding a high-speed express train. It’s designed to get you from point A to point B as quickly and efficiently as possible. Coding bootcamps like Coder Foundry are akin to this express train. They are intensive, focused programs aimed at rapidly equipping you with the skills needed for a full-stack development job.

Pros of the Bootcamp Path:

Speed and Efficiency:

Bootcamps are designed to get you job-ready in a matter of months. At Coder Foundry, for instance, students can transform their careers in as little as 12-24 weeks. The curriculum is highly focused on the most relevant technologies and practices in the industry, ensuring that you learn exactly what you need to know to start working immediately.

Practical Experience:

Bootcamps emphasize hands-on learning and real-world projects. You build a portfolio of work that you can show to potential employers, showcasing your practical skills and experience .

Networking Opportunities:

Many bootcamps have strong connections with local tech companies and offer career support, including job placement services. This can be incredibly valuable for getting your foot in the door of your first tech job.

Cons of the Bootcamp Path:


The fast pace and intense workload can be challenging. Bootcamps require a significant time and energy commitment, often demanding full-time attention for the duration of the program.

Limited Breadth:

While bootcamps cover the essential skills, they may not delve deeply into broader computer science concepts. This can limit your theoretical understanding, which might be important for certain advanced roles or academic pursuits.

The Scenic Route: College Degree

Now, let’s consider the long road trip, representing the traditional college degree. This path takes more time but offers a broader and more varied experience. A computer science degree typically takes four years to complete and provides a comprehensive education.

Pros of the College Path:

In-Depth Knowledge:

College programs cover a wide range of topics, including algorithms, data structures, and theory of computation. This deeper understanding can be beneficial for more complex problem-solving and advanced technical roles.

Well-Rounded Education:

Beyond technical skills, college provides a well-rounded education, including soft skills like communication, teamwork, and critical thinking.

Credentials and Recognition:

A degree from some institutions can carry significant weight with employers. It’s a recognized credential that demonstrates a sustained commitment to learning and mastery of the field.

Cons of the College Path:

Time and Cost:

A four-year degree requires a substantial investment of time and money. Tuition costs can be high, and students often graduate with significant debt. The longer timeframe means it takes more time to start earning a salary in the field compared to the bootcamp route.

Variable Practical Experience:

While some college programs offer internships and project-based courses, the practical experience can vary widely. Graduates might still need additional hands-on training or internships to be fully job-ready.

Choosing Your Path

Deciding between a bootcamp and a college degree depends on your individual circumstances, career goals, and learning preferences.

If you’re looking to switch careers quickly, are motivated by hands-on learning, and want to start working as soon as possible, the express train of a coding bootcamp might be the best route.

If you have the time and resources for a longer educational journey, value a deep theoretical understanding, and want the broader experience of a college education, the scenic route of a college degree could be more suitable.

Both paths have successfully led many individuals to rewarding careers in full-stack development. As Bobby Davis Jr. highlights in “Breaking The Code,” the key to a life-changing software development job is mastering the right skills and navigating the industry effectively. Whether you choose the fast track of a bootcamp or the full speed of a college degree, your journey to becoming a full-stack developer will be unique and rewarding in its own way.

The Earning Potential of Full-Stack Web Developers

The technology sector is a dynamic and ever-evolving field, promising lucrative career opportunities for those equipped with the right skills. Among these roles, full-stack developers stand out due to their comprehensive understanding of both front-end and back-end development. 

Defining Full Stack Development

A full-stack developer is a versatile tech professional capable of handling both client-side and server-side programming. This role requires a blend of skills, including:

  • Front-end technologies: Mastery of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and often frameworks like Bootstrap, React, or Angular.

  • Back-end technologies: Proficiency in server-side languages such as C#, Node.js, or PHP, along with database management using SQL.

  • DevOps and version control: Understanding of Git, CI/CD pipelines, and cloud services like AWS or Azure.

This unique combination enables full-stack developers to oversee the entire spectrum of a project, from conception to deployment.

Earning Potential

The financial rewards of being a full-stack developer are significant and vary based on several factors, including experience, location, and industry demand. According to U.S. News, the median salary for web developers, which includes full-stack developers, is $77,030 per year. However, this figure can fluctuate widely based on various factors:

  • Entry-Level Salaries: Starting salaries for full-stack developers are typically in the lower percentile, with the lowest 10% earning less than $40,750. However, with a strong bootcamp education and foundational skills, entry-level full-stack developers can expect to start between $50,000 and $70,000 annually in many regions.

  • Mid-Level Professionals: With 3-5 years of experience, full-stack developers often see their earnings rise to the median range, around $77,030, and can reach between $90,000 and $120,000 as they acquire specialized skills and manage larger projects.

  • Senior-Level and Beyond: Experienced developers in the top 10% can earn more than $129,760 annually. Those in high-demand areas or at major tech companies (FAANG), particularly in cities like San Francisco or New York, often exceed this range, with salaries upwards of $150,000 to $170,000, not including bonuses and stock options.

Factors Influencing Salaries

In addition to base programming skills, several other factors influence the earning potential of full-stack developers:

  • Education and Certifications: A bootcamp certification or a formal degree in computer science can enhance a resume, but certifications in specific technologies, Agile, or Scrum can also have a notable impact on salary.

  • Industry Demand: The tech market often shifts and while we may sometimes see layoffs in some prominent tech companies (FAANG) the overall market is always increasing in size.

  • Specialization: Developers specializing in areas like artificial intelligence, or mobile development can command even higher salaries due to the specialized nature of their skills.

Comparative Analysis

When compared to other tech roles, full-stack developers often enjoy competitive salaries due to their ability to handle multiple development aspects. While a front-end developer might have a similar starting salary, a full-stack developer's comprehensive skill set can lead to more opportunities, quicker promotions, and higher earnings.

Future Outlook

The future is bright for full-stack developers. As technology evolves, the need for professionals who can adapt and oversee entire systems will only increase. Trends like IoT, machine learning, and remote work are likely to further enhance the importance and earning potential of full-stack developers.


A career as a full-stack developer is both intellectually rewarding and financially lucrative. With the right skills and a commitment to continuous learning, full-stack developers can look forward to a promising career trajectory and significant earning potential. Whether just starting or aiming to elevate their career, full-stack developers are central to the tech industry's growth and innovation.

Bootcamp vs. College Debt

In today's rapidly changing job market, young adults face a critical decision that will impact their financial future: pursue a traditional college education or opt for a vocational bootcamp. With the skyrocketing costs of college tuition and the alarming rise in student debt, many are reevaluating the conventional path to career success. Bootcamps, often focused on tech and other high-demand skills, promise a quicker, more cost-effective route to employment. Let's explore why choosing a bootcamp might be the smartest financial investment for those looking to minimize debt and maximize career opportunities.

Understanding College Debt

College has long been viewed as the gateway to a successful career. However, this pathway comes with a significant financial burden. As of recent years, the average college graduate in the United States leaves school with over $38,000 in student loan debt, a figure that has steadily increased over the past two decades. This debt can affect financial decisions for years to come, from buying a house to saving for retirement.

The long-term implications are profound. Interest accrual means that borrowers often end up paying much more than the original amount borrowed, and the weight of this debt can delay other financial goals. Moreover, the job market does not always guarantee a high-paying job immediately after graduation, making it harder for many to manage their debt effectively.

What are Coding Bootcamps?

Coding bootcamps are intensive, short-term training programs designed to equip participants with specific industry skills. Unlike traditional four-year college degrees, coding bootcamps typically last a few months and focus intensely on practical, job-ready skills.

The cost of attending a bootcamp is significantly lower than that of obtaining a four-year degree. While college tuition can range from $20,000 to over $50,000 per year, coding bootcamps often cost between $10,000 and $20,000 for the entire program. This comparative affordability, combined with a shorter duration, allows individuals to enter the workforce quicker and with less financial strain.

Comparing Costs and ROI

When comparing the costs of a college education and a coding bootcamp, the differences are stark. A traditional four-year college degree can leave a student in debt upwards of $100,000, while a bootcamp might cost around $15,000. The return on investment (ROI) also tends to favor bootcamps due to the shorter time to employment and the starting salaries in tech and other sectors.

For example, graduates from coding bootcamps often find jobs within a few months of completion, with starting salaries averaging around $50,000 to $60,000. In contrast, the average starting salary for a college graduate can be similar, but the time to market is significantly longer.

Success Stories from Bootcamps

Many individuals have turned their careers and financial situations around through bootcamps. Take Monae, a former bartender who switched to a tech career after the 12-week coding bootcamp at Coder Foundry. Within a few months of graduation, she landed a software developer position with a starting salary far above her previous income. Her story is not unique; countless bootcamp graduates echo similar experiences, transitioning into lucrative careers without the burden of excessive student loans.

Potential Drawbacks and Considerations

While coding bootcamps offer many advantages, they are not without drawbacks. The lack of a traditional college degree can be a barrier in certain industries where a bachelor's or higher is the norm. Additionally, the fast-paced nature of bootcamps means less time for in-depth learning and networking compared to a four-year college experience.

To mitigate these drawbacks, prospective students should research bootcamps thoroughly, choosing those with proven track records and robust career support services. It's also essential to consider one's career goals and whether a bootcamp or a traditional degree aligns best with those aspirations.

In conclusion, choosing between a college education and a bootcamp is a decision that hinges on personal goals, financial considerations, and career aspirations. While college offers a broad education and a traditional pathway to many professions, coding bootcamps provide a focused, cost-effective route to specific high-demand jobs. By carefully weighing the pros and cons and considering one's long-term career and financial goals, young adults can make an informed choice that sets them up for success without the burden of overwhelming debt.

How a Coding Bootcamp Can Land You Your Dream Job

Have you dreamt of a career in tech but don't know where to start? Well, if you are a high school graduate or contemplating a career change, then a coding bootcamp may be the silver bullet that you are looking for to guarantee your success. Let's see how these intensive training programs can turn you from a novice into a professional and set you on the right track to securing that tech job of your dreams.

So What Is A Coding Bootcamp?

A coding bootcamp is a short and intensive training program to quickly prepare and skill up the trainee for a career in the industry. Typically in contrast to a traditional four-year degree, they are more hands-on, up-to-date, cost less, and are completed in only a few months. Coder Foundry is a 12-week intensive bootcamp teaching the latest in Microsoft .NET web development technologies and techniques.

Why Choose a Bootcamp?

  • Fast-Track Learning: Bootcamps mean a really fast time to job readiness. In just a few months, you can acquire skills relevant to most employers.

  • Career Support: Bootcamps can offer strong career services that include resume reviews, interview preparations, and even connections with their industry partners. All of these can be quite helpful in landing the first job in tech.

  • Experience: Through project-based learning, one would be in a position to develop a portfolio of work that portrays his or her expertise to the employers. This becomes a key advantage over traditional education, which in most cases will involve limited hands-on experience.

Success Stories: From Bootcamp to Dream Job

Real-life success stories can provide all the motivation. Take, for instance, Jonathan, who joined Coder Foundrys web development bootcamp without any prior knowledge of coding. In 12 weeks, he developed a portfolio of business-focused web applications and got hired in his very first job as a junior developer. Or, for instance, Marlo, who worked crazy hours as a DJ while in the bootcamp. He’s now in his second position and works as a developer at a local logistics company.

Choosing the Right Bootcamp

The key is to get the right bootcamp; here are some tips on how to make the best choice:

  • Research the curriculum of the bootcamp. Ensure the bootcamp covers the skills and technologies relevant to your career goals.

  • Look for Outcomes: Research and find alumni testimonials.

  • Consider the Format: Decide whether you learn most effectively in person, online, or through a hybrid of the two, with consideration of your learning style and schedule.

  • Cost: While bootcamps are generally more affordable compared to a four-year degree, they are still an investment. Find programs with financing or scholarships.

Getting You Ready for Your Bootcamp Experience

Here are the steps to make the most of your bootcamp:

  • Brush Up on Basics: If you are completely new to tech, then you need to have some basic knowledge by spending some time on free online courses.

  • Set Clear Goals: Understand what you want to achieve at the end of the program. That will keep you driven and focused. 

  • Network: Get in touch with the present students and alumni through forums, or even local meetups. Their insights can guide you and even lead you to job opportunities. 

A coding bootcamp could be the launchpad you need to transform your passion for technology into a thriving career. With a great program and support, and a ton of tenacity, you can graduate from a beginner to a pro in no time. Get researching and ready for that first step toward your dream job today! 

By immersing yourself in a coding bootcamp, you're not just learning; you're preparing for a dynamic and fulfilling career that's always evolving. Are you ready to make the leap?