Company News and Bootcamp Blog

Five Programming Languages That are Dying

Five Programming Languages That are Dying

In the developer world, it is well known that aging programming languages can either maintain their popularity and stay the course, or they can die out completely in favor of new, innovative languages. Recently, posted an article listing five languages that they believe are marked for death in the near future (i.e. don't waste your time learning these if you haven't already, folks!).'s Interview with Coder Foundry President Lawrence Reaves

For the uninitiated, is an awesome website that helps students figure out the tech sector path they want to take in life, and then helps to match them with a great place to do it. We love sites like SwitchUp because their student reviews section really allows Coder Foundry to shine and give prospects a real look at what life is like in our bootcamp.

Recently, the folks over at SwitchUp sat down with our President and Co-Founder, Lawrence Reaves, to discuss our students, our program, and his feelings on the state of the boot camp industry.

Here is an excerpt from their interview:

The coding bootcamp/immersive program is a recent trend, and new courses continue to pop up every day. Is there a unique feature to Coder Foundry?

We have a curriculum dedicated to full stack .Net development because our focus is for full-time corporate job placement for our students. Ultimately we are the program for the guy that is looking for a full-time corporate job developing software. Someone that is looking for the salary, benefits, paid vacation, 401k. I.e. the full corporate job package. The career in software development. We are working with hiring companies that rely on .Net to drive their business and that is why we chose the .Net curriculum. These companies chose .Net because it is mature, scalable, well-supported and proven. If the companies we were working with were demanding Ruby developers then that is what our curriculum would revolve around. So it is not a religion war with us, we are just responding to the market demand for coders as we see it. So we want to do more than teach you to code, we want to put you in a job where you use what you learned.

I also have to add our staff makes a difference as well. We have a professional lead instructor 

that has been teaching CS at the university level for years. He knows how to code, but more importantly he knows how to teach and has a passion for it. We also have a job placement arm that is staffed full time, working with our students and employers.

What backgrounds do you find your applicants usually coming from? Is there a particular kind of student or learning style that excels in your programs?

Our typical student has relevant background in coding, technology and/or education. The typical student has an undergraduate degree or about five years professional work experience in technology on average. Some have advanced degrees. All students coming into our program have a basic understanding of coding with a level of proficiency. That profile is what we what we tend to look for because those seem to be the most successful with the program. We also find that recent CS or IT undergrads excel as well, they are able to leverage a solid broad conceptual background with the hard coding skills we teach. We tend to look for the students that will excel in our program and most importantly graduate with the ability to add value to a corporate development team from day one on the job.

To check out the whole interview the SwitchUp had with Lawrence, head on over to their blog, here! While you're there, you can also take a peek at the Coder Foundry page on their site and see what some of our graduates had to say about their time in our program.

Employer Spotlight: Why CaptiveAire Hires Coder Foundry Grads

We love to hear back from the employers that hire our grads; it seems like they always have great things to say!

This week, we had the pleasure of hearing back from an employer that placed one of our December 2014 Graduates, Chris Mohan. Here is an excerpt of some of the kind words that Jesse, the Lead Software Engineer over at CaptiveAire had to say about working with Coder Foundry to find the perfect employee. Interview with Lawrence Reaves, President of Coder Foundry Interview with Lawrence Reaves, President of Coder Foundry

We love chatting with our colleagues in the tech realm, and we're always thrilled when they want to interview Coder Foundry students, faculty and staff to get a better idea of what we do here.

Recently, the friendly folks over at LendLayer sat down with Coder Foundry President, Lawrence Reaves, to get his take on the state of the bootcamp movement, how Coder Foundry is carving out a path of our own, and a few other fun topics as well.

Who Goes to Coding Bootcamps?

Who Goes to Coding Bootcamps?

If you've found yourself researching coding bootcamps, you might have had some questions about who really attends these programs and what their outcomes have been. Luckily, our friends over at Course Report have published this study that gives us a more holistic view of the demographics of those in various coding bootcamps and what graduates of those camps accomplish after their programs end.

Coder Foundry Graduate Spotlight: Chris Mohan

Coder Foundry Graduate Spotlight: Chris Mohan

We're on the heels of yet another Coder Foundry Master Class graduation, and it comes as no surprise to us that we've already got a coding boot camp success story to share!

Chris Mohan hails from the Nation’s Capitol and has a career history that includes years of .Net development at the corporate level. With a background like that, we decided to sit down with him at our headquarters in Kernersville, NC to discuss the past, his Coder Foundry experience, and what interesting challenges his experience helped lead him toward for the future.

Press Release Coder Foundry Announces Partnership with Climb Financing

Press Release Coder Foundry Announces Partnership with Climb Financing

Coder Foundry, an up-and-coming .NET coding boot camp in Kernersville, NC, has inked a deal with Climb, a New York-based loan provider, to offer qualified students the option to finance up to 90% of their tuition.

Time and money are typically the biggest obstacles standing in the way of prospective students. By offering Climb’sconvenient financing program, Coder Foundry hopes to make their boot camps more attractive and accessible to a wider range of students, ultimately increasing the value of their coding boot camp education.

Become Tomorrow's Coding Superstar with Coder Foundry

Do you want to get started on a career path that is dynamic, rewarding and pays more than your current position?

Apply for the Coder Foundry’s Master Class, a 12-week intensive coding boot camp in the Piedmont Triad that begins on January 5. Our goal is to launch your professional life as a coder, and 95% of our students land a coding job after graduating from our master program. 

Who is the Ideal Candidate for the Coder Foundry Master Class?

Who is the Ideal Candidate for the Coder Foundry Master Class?

The Coder Foundry's Master Class is a 12-week intensive coding boot camp that will prepare its students for a lifetime career in programming. 

But who qualifies for the Master Class? That's not an easy question to answer, because there are a number of factors that can make a candidate successful in our course. Here are some types of students who have historically thrived with us and gone on to do impressive work in the field.

Why You Should Become a Programmer

Why You Should Become a Programmer

If you've been considering making that transition to become a professional coder, now is officially the time to do something about it. The job market for computer programmers has never been better, and the field presents a rich array of opportunities for any professional, young or old, newcomer or veteran. Here are some of the most alluring reasons for learning how to code.

Three Reasons Why You Should Learn C#

Three Reasons Why You Should Learn C#

Are you interested in becoming a professional coder? This is a great time to explore your dream, because so many rewarding and well-paying jobs are available to qualified applicants.

Before you apply for that position, though, make sure you know C#. C# is the "mother language" of the .NET initiative, and it's crucial for you to learn it if you're serious about entering the world of corporate coding. Here are some reasons why C# is indispensable.

Build with Bootstrap

Build with Bootstrap

When you apply for the Coder Foundry's Master Class, we'll teach you how to use the programs that will best serve you throughout what we hope will be a long and productive career.

One of these programs is Bootstrap, a programming framework with a single code base built to make front-end web development much more efficient. Bootstrap is extremely versatile, scaling itself to phones, tablets and desktops without a hitch. It was built to create responsive, fluid mobile first web projects and is the most popular HTML, CSS and JavaScript framework out there.

Why You Should Learn to Code

Why You Should Learn to Code

Coding isn't just a technological fad, it's a method of thinking and a tool for shaping the world. As a skill, it is becoming increasingly valuable and there are many more programming positions available than their are qualified applicants. 

If you are naturally curious, logical, creative and problem-solving, then coding could be the right career choice for you. With so many opportunities to enjoy challenging and lucrative jobs, the technology sector is definitely the place to be.